iKlear®和Klear Screen®美国第一屏幕清洁品牌
隶属Meridrew Enterprises公司旗下。1992年,Meridrew研制出全球第一款适用于LCD(液晶屏幕)的清洁剂,至今已有近三十年历史。自成立之日,Meridrew便专注于高品质屏幕清洁产品的研制,Meridrew凭借其独家的清洁配方、一流的清洁效果、最佳的客户体验,已成为产业的领导者。为保证品质,iKlear®和Klear Screen®的核心产品一直坚持位于加利福尼亚的自有工厂生产,产品畅销全球。
iKlear®和Klear Screen®的清洁产品广泛地应用于手机、平板、电脑、电视等各种屏幕的清洁,还可以用于数码(单反)相机、摄像机镜头、眼镜的清洁与保养。
iKlear®和Klear Screen®的产品核心技术是其独家保密的清洁剂配方。清洁剂具有良好的防尘特性、防静电效果。清洁剂100%环保、安全、无毒、不易燃烧。由于其在化学特性、人体生理表现方面均呈现惰性,iKlear®和Klear Screen®是唯一对“儿童”及“宠物”安全的清洁剂。
iKlear®和Klear Screen®与以往的“玻璃清洁剂”和其它品牌清洁剂不同,清洁剂中不含酒精、不含氨、不含十二烷基硫酸钠、不含乙二醇单丁醚,不含任何对屏幕、不 含任何对涂层、不含任何对人体有害的成分。
使用iKlear®和Klear Screen®清洁后的屏幕光洁如新,手感如丝绸般爽滑,这给用户带来从未有过的使用体验。NASA(美国国家航空航天局)经过广泛的兼容性测试,指定Klear Screen®的清洁套装作为宇宙飞船摄像机和空间站观察窗清洁的标配工具。这是唯一飞出地球进入太空的屏幕清洁产品。
自品牌成立之初,iKlear®很快被Apple®(苹果公司)选定作为首选清洁产品,用于Apple®全线产品的清洁与保养,并且作为Apple Care、Apple Genius Bar唯一指定清洁用品。不仅苹果公司,许多知名的跨国公司、受人尊敬的组织、团体都在使用、推荐或销售iKlear®和Klear Screen®的清洁产品。如:NASA、FAA、CNN、The J. Paul Getty Museum、Capital One、SeaWorld San Diego、MIT、Universities of California、Apple、Dell、HP、SONY、BASF、Mitsubishi Chemical、Toyota、Porsche、Mercedes Benz、Bombardier、TRIUMPH、Carrera Sport Optics、Stewart Film Screens、Kodak、PanaVision、Calumet Photographic、Nikon、GUCCI、Tiffany、Louis Vuitton 等等。
除了数码设备,iKlear®和Klear Screen®清洁产品在很多地方发挥着神奇的清洁效果:发烧友收藏的CD唱片、黑胶唱片、DVD影碟、蓝光碟;办公室的复印机、扫描仪;实验室的各种精密光学仪器、光学镀膜、表面涂层;酒店的酒柜、水晶摆件;艺术殿堂中的钢琴;画廊、博物馆、水族馆的橱窗;时尚奢侈的珠宝手饰、高档手表;居家的鱼缸等等。在各式各样的场景下,无论您需要美丽的外观,爽滑细腻的手感,还是需要时尚、高端的品牌形象,以及需要安全、无毒、环保的清洁产品,iKlear®和Klear Screen®是您最佳的选择。
2010年,标声(香港)有限公司将iKlear®和Klear Screen®品牌引入国内,并负责产品在大中国区的市场推广、销售及售后服务。目前iKlear®和Klear Screen®产品已得到消费者的广泛认可、拥有良好口碑。
Founded in 1992 with a mission to make the best cleaning products for high tech devices, Meridrew Enterprises developed Klear Screen®. Klear Screen, made in the USA, is the first premium screen-cleaning product developed for the emerging laptop computer market. The new liquid crystal displays were susceptible to damage by the harsh cleaning chemicals generally available. The Klear Screen cleaning solution solved the problem by delivering a safe, non-toxic fluid that cleans, protects and preserves the display.
In 1998 iKlear® was created to support the release of the Apple® iMac®. iKlear products were selected to be the exclusive worldwide cleaning products for Apple retail. The iKlear brand was marketed to Apple customers using unique packaging and premium contents tailored to the needs of Apple users.
Since the very beginning our products have been selected by the top tier manufacturers, institutions and discerning individuals who are looking for solutions that work. Our products are designed and made in the USA. We blend, bottle and package our products in our own manufacturing facility in California.
Industry experts use our products. We are very happy to count as our users and customers companies and institutions like NASA and the Goddard Space Flight Center, Dell, Dish Network, Disneyland, Lexmark, Motorola, Sony and many other industry leading companies. It is particularly gratifying to know that these companies and institutions can use any product they want; yet we were chosen because our products work.
Meridrew Enterprises and our brands, Klear Screen and iKlear, is dedicated to deliver safe innovative products of the highest quality and best value to our customers.
Lastly, we are famous for providing outstanding Customer Service. Leading publications such as the New York Times and the Wall Street Journal note our Customer Service and high-quality products.
In China, we have an exclusive distributor, Mark Sound (HK) Limited, also provide the excellent Customer Service. They introduced iKlear & Klear Screen into China (including Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan) from 2010.
Thank you for visiting our site. (www.klearscreen.com)
Your friends @ Meridrew Enterprises